Se você está mexendo em um código muito antigo que depente da register_globals on, você pode ter problemas com versões mais novas do PHP onde essa opção foi descontinuada.
O código abaixo ajuda você a rodar o script até ter tempo de alterar o código para funcionar com register globals off.
/* Forces all GET and POST globals to register and be magically quoted.
* This forced register_globals and magic_quotes_gpc both act as if
* they were turned ON even if turned off in your php.ini file.
* Reason behind forcing register_globals and magic_quotes is for legacy
* PHP scripts that need to run with PHP 5.4 and higher. PHP 5.4+ no longer
* support register_globals and magic_quotes, which breaks legacy PHP code.
* This is used as a workaround, while you upgrade your PHP code, yet still
* allows you to run in a PHP 5.4+ environment.
* Licenced under the GPLv2. Matt Kukowski Sept. 2013
if (! isset($PXM_REG_GLOB)) {
if (! ini_get('register_globals')) {
foreach (array_merge($_GET, $_POST) as $key => $val) {
global $$key;
$$key = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $val : addslashes($val);
if (! get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) $_POST[$key] = addslashes($val);
foreach ($_GET as $key => $val) $_GET[$key] = addslashes($val);